Currently the particle effects generated by each key do not interact with the ones from another key. Is there any chance that you could add an option to enable that.
I know it would take more time to render. But would make the particle more entertaining :)
I agree. Thank you for considering them in future releases. Also am very curious to know what ae pluggins you used on your last video. They look fabulous!
Sure. Here is the video I made on the classic version :
Can you please be more specific?
Can you possibly post a screenshot of the effect you liked in the old version?
I like the new features in beta but I miss the quality of the particles in the classic version. Especially the one with round notes going upwards. Though I could simulate the same in the new one, its not the same.
Thank you! I'm not completely sure yet. The likely reality is that the current version will be renamed "SeeMusic Classic", and the new version will be called SeeMusic. I'll probably eventually take down the old version after a period of time, since I won't be supporting it with updates any longer.
Thanks @Buk that is what I meant. I understand. Thanks for the response. Btw love your new beta update. Another question : would the current app in app store be replaced by the one done currently using unity?
The effect in this video of Patrik's is unlikely to be supported in the immediate future in the app. It is technically possible, but the amount of work it would require to implement it would probably not outweigh how many people want or need the feature. Maybe sometime in the future though!
Can you further explain what you mean? I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for. Also, can you confirm you're using the new Beta, and not the version currently on the App Store?