I don't know why it cut my whole post that I wrote but the short version is please in the Windows app when we make the notes go from left to right or right to left can you please have the keyboard also have an option to move underneath the notes. Another way of describing what I'm saying is if you took your entire computer monitor and turned it into portrait mode now we have the notes going from bottom to the top but the keyboard is still on the left side with the saber and the particles can we please have an option to the keyboard so that it looks the same when the notes are going from top to bottom etc. thank you thank you thank you
I don't know why it cut my whole post that I wrote but the short version is please in the Windows app when we make the notes go from left to right or right to left can you please have the keyboard also have an option to move underneath the notes. Another way of describing what I'm saying is if you took your entire computer monitor and turned it into portrait mode now we have the notes going from bottom to the top but the keyboard is still on the left side with the saber and the particles can we please have an option to the keyboard so that it looks the same when the notes are going from top to bottom etc. thank you thank you thank you