Would it be possible, in the future, to add a feature where you can have many different instruments instead of only piano? Just like Synthesia. I like Synthesia because you have all different instruments, but I like SeeMusic because of the fancy looks.
Would it be possible to add a bunch of instruments like Warm Pad, drums, guitars, marimba, etc. that would be customizable using a SoundFont?
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I was really taken back by how good I could get the acoustic drums in NanoStudios “slate” to sound. I think originally I was using the acoustic kits that came with it, but was so impressed I spent the couple pounds in the acoustic pack. Honestly, with some compression, fx mixing etc I wouldn’t tell difference, in a track mix down, between those and say kontakt libraries I own, or modo drums, which I love and agree with previous poster would be very welcomed on ios! I also think the garage band drums sound great out the box (like nano studio), but even better with processing. I don’t use them tho as space is limited and so I don’t have Garage Band installed. I have installed it in past just to track some acoustic drums from it. Third, as also previously mentioned, the ones in the Korg gadget Gladstone sound great too. Once more, with some processing, sound as passible as my big kontakt libraries in a mix. The ones in DigiStix by 4 pockets sound ok, I like that they come with a sequencer and fx, eq etc. I only have v1 as I’m in an old iPhone 6s for my productions (limitations force creativity haha!) I think DigiStix 2 has more velocity layers for kits… but that’s off top of my head, so may be wrong. Just my opinions I wanted to share incase they helped. Good luck on finding those drums! I think regardless of platform many of us are always on the lookout for that this perfect acoustic drum kit (or any other perfect such and such, for our work flow - the search is part of the fun for me haha)
It would be very interesting to see our instruments on Seemusic.