I'm working on MacOS 12.3.1.
When I align the video or edit the effects half the screen is covered with the options menu and I constantly have to click the "eye-symbol" to see what is going on. It would be immensely helpful to be able to move the options to another window or screen, so I can see the full preview video while I'm aligning the video and trying out different effect settings.
What about considering moving the settings to the bottom? With scroll or the option to make the area higher or lower for the user? I think I would find it less in the way there. At least for editing the videoplacement.
Thanks for the quick response!
I've been using "Fullscreen" as the resolution setting, but switching to 1920x1080 made the options smaller, which helps a lot. It's just a bit counter-intuitive because my "Fullscreen" should have been 1920x1080 anyways.
Wish you all the best!
It's a good suggestion - unfortunately, the Unity platform doesn't make it possible to open additional windows inside an app.
The fast renders, particle systems, and one version across platforms are why Unity is great - but having to do the settings like this is a necessary casualty of the Unity platform.
Are you running the app with the UI in Desktop mode, and at 1920x1080 resolution? The settings windows should at least be smaller with those settings.
You can find Display Settings at the middle of the left side of the main screen.