I have 2 questions:
1.The voice of the recording is a bit low. I have checked my pc's volume but it is full. pls tell how to overcome this problem.
2. I am not able to locate the folder in which all the recording is stored. I checked the path but still it was not located. Pls tell me how to find it (btw, i have finder.).
check out my channel its param prakash in YouTube and it has a keyboard icon
you can hear the low sound
Can you please upload the render you created so that I can hear?
Please also upload a screenshot of the Render Settings window.
Thank you
the .mp4 worked but the volume is not working
It sounds like you’re not actually using the Create Video feature.
Click the filmstrip button at the right of the main interface, then click Render, to render out the video as an .mp4.
Please see the YouTube Video Tuto rials for basic info on how to use the app.
You can add volume in Render Settings before rendering a video - increase the Volume Boost using the Volume Boost slider.
You can export recording files from Media Settings - there is an export button at the bottom right. It is not recommended to interact directly with the app data, but if you insist, you can find the files at:
~/Library/Containers/com.VisualMusicDesign.SeeMusicUnity/Data/Library/Application Support/com.VisualMusicDesign.SeeMusicUnity
To easily get to this folder, use the GO menu at the top of the Finder, and select GO TO FOLDER, and copy that address into it.