I downloaded the 64 bit version as i have 64 bit system. When i run the seemusic .exe it shows the unity logo ,then i see the seemusic logo and the "seemusic" letters and then it stucks there forever. I have windows 10(probably latest), i5 7400 cpu, 16gb ram. For any other info dont hesitate to ask
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Im having the same problem, it says the app cant run on my pc
Sure, I'd really like to get as much information on this crash as possible.
Here's the discord link: https://discord.gg/pYkBxJ
visualmusicdesign do you have a discord where i can privately send you the log and talk live?
I will send u the log when i get on my PC
Thanks for letting me know. Any info at all that you can provide would be very helpful - it doesn't have any problem opening on my computer, and there are many other users using it successfully on Windows. So I don't know exactly what's causing this...
If there are any error messages you get from the crash that you can post, that would be very helpful.
It would also be helpful if you can share the Log File from the app. This is located here:
C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Visual Music Design\SeeMusic\Player.log