Hello SeeMusic!
I have just now updated my 4.3.1 for the app, and everything seems to work just fine. I'm able to render without my video footage wrong and my timing of the MIDI footage than yesterday. However, now it is reversed the audio is not coming out the way it sounded while I was editing it after rendering. I have provided 2 videos so you can see them. I did change colors because I couldn't decide what colors I wanted. Anyways you can hear the red notes video sounds more accurate and less hesitant compared to the blue and pink video where the notes sound shorter. (After rendered) Anything I can do to fix this, please let me know! It's just weird how after you render the video it comes out completely opposite compared to what you edited.
Thank You! SeeMusic
Nolla Brewer
Yes that's fine. Please send the MIDI and video to visualmusicdesign@gmail.com
Thank you