Hi, I was test-driving SeeMusic way back when it was version 3.4. I just downloaded the version available on the App Store, and the interface looks like a mobile app - the sandwich menu is gigantic, I can't scroll through menu options (to select my MIDI device), and the app generally seems slow and unresponsive like it's not optimized for my system. I'm on a Mac, OS 13.6. The old app seems to be much better designed for desktop...
Thanks for any insight,
Kc Daugirdas
Ok, it looks like for me it's serving Version 1.5 now. In any case, Version 1.5 has scrollbars, and also has a fix for Live Playing in the app.
Thanks - could you quickly double check that the App Store actually gave you version 1.5? Sometimes the Mac App Store is slow to update and can take up to 24 hours to actually serve the new version.
I grabbed the latest version from the App Store, and unfortunately I still have the same problem. My MIDI port selection issue is exactly the same thing that Kestutis posted about in his video (i.e. I still don't have any way to select/scroll beyond what is currently visible). Thanks for being responsive. I understand there are some difficulties developing by yourself with multiple platforms. I'll keep trying if you keep updating. :). I can make a video tomorrow if that helps. Cheers, Don
Thanks - I believe both of these issues (scroll bars and live notes) should now be fixed in Version 1.5. Please give it a try when you have a chance and let me know if it’s working better for you?
The new version of SeeMusic is cross-platform, and designed to work on both Mobile and Desktop. I develop this app completely by myself for now, so I have to take the most efficient approach.
Also, the previous version was severely limited by the limitations of MacOS native frameworks - the new version has much more powerful and complex effects. The new version is geared more towards Video Creation. Because the effects are much more powerful now, it is possible that the real-time preview could be slightly laggier than the old version. If you turn off some of the most intensive effects, such as Video Texture in Note Settings, the Video in Visual Settings, and 2 of the 3 Particle Layers (giving you roughly what you had in the old version) performance would likely improve. The fact that these effects are realtime at all is what is remarkable - in After Effects, it takes about 3 seconds to render a single frame of these effects.
For the scrollers, right now you just need to click and drag the tables to scroll up and down them. It is high on my update list to add physical scrollers to the desktop versions - just trying to get to critical updates and bugs first.
I also cannot select my MIDI device (I have many connected, but no way to scroll up the list of choices (arrow keys don't work, neither does trackpad scrolling).