I have tried uninstalling the program several times, without any success.
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Mar 06, 2021
Render/Save button not working
Render/Save button not working
8 answers9 replies
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Is this a new Mac computer?
Does it have one of the new Apple CPUs? (M1 ARM processor)
If so, that is almost certainly what is causing the issue. I can see online that that can cause an issue with the Unity file saving framework used by the app.
I've upgraded to Big Sur and tried many different ways to replicate this, but unfortunately I just can't seem to reproduce the bug.
Can you zip up your entire SeeMusic app data folder and send it? If you haven't imported any video files this should be easy. You can also temporarily move the video files out of the Video Files folder and then zip it up. The app data folder is located at ~/Library/Containers/com.VisualMusicDesign.SeeMusicUnity
To easily get to this folder, use the GO menu at the top of the Finder, and select GO TO FOLDER, and copy that address into it.
I would really appreciate it! I've attached a screenshot of where to find the GO menu in the Finder: