Previously i work on this app through my macbook, and i found out that this app is workable on ipad. Although it shows that one account can link maximum 5 devices, the login details especially my save files in seemusic app are not linked to my ipad. I'm not sure whether is my technical problems. is that any solutions to fix?

The above picture is my macbook save file

This picture is my ipad save file.
Btw, i have subscribed the seemusic in monthly.
The subscription can be used on multiple devices.
However, this has nothing to do with your save data. SeeMusic does not provide a cloud storage service.
If you would like to share data between devices, you would need to copy it manually.
This is the location of the data folder on Mac:
~/Library/Containers/com.VisualMusicDesign.SeeMusicUnity/Data/Library/Application Support
To easily get to this folder, click on your desktop, use the GO menu at the top of the Finder, and select GO TO FOLDER, and copy that address into it.